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Who she was... 


Evelyn Davis, known to her family and friends as "Joyce", left us way too soon in 2005. A care giver to all, she was a Mother, Grandmother, Sister and Friend.  In an effort to honor her memory, the Evelyn Joyce Davis Memorial Scholarship was established in 2015.



If the measure of a person's success in life is how deeply they are missed when they are gone, how irreplaceable they have made themselves to others, then Joyce's life was enormously successful.  We will always treasure our memories of her, and as we live, she will live also, for she is a part of us. 



In giving this scholarship we hope to continue her legacy, by investing in the futures of deserving young people in our community.  It is our hope that by affording individuals the opportunity to continue their education, we are continuing the spirit of giving and investing in tomorrow's leaders.  



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